Anyway, I'm off track, as per usual. But yes, job hunting. It's a fun time, isn't it? Almost as fun as that time I tripped over in the backyard, hit my head against a rock, starting bleeding, and caused my delightful brother to burst into paroxyms of uncontainable hysterics. Well, it was fun for him I'm sure.
Enough whining for today though.
I though I'd do a sort of, semi-movie-review-semi-ramble-semi-gush-about-Woody-Allen, sound good?
The other night, for a uni assignment which I tailored perfectly to suit my film watching requirements in life, I sat down to watch Manhattan (1979).
First of all, impeccable cinematic vision. The interspersed sharp, black and white montages of the Manhattan skyline can't help but evoke in you an unknown lifelong dream of living in New York, yet there is a sly tongue-in-cheek feel about the whole thing, as down below in the midst of the dreamy cityscape some fucked up people are living some fucked up lives.
Isaac (Woody, my love) is dating a 17 yr old played by Mariel Hemingway. Can I just say, statutory rape anybody? But no, seriously, it actually really works.
After Isaac's misshapen yet lovely adventures with Diane Keaton and his hilarious fights with his lesbian ex wife Meryl Streep, he seemed to me like an overgrown child with an unusually sharp wit. So, his relationship with a young girl didn't seem so wrong. Not that this was the point of the film at all I don't think. I just had to say it.
Anyway, I think in this film Allen really achieved being truly funny without any actual jokes, vulgar yet kind of humourous comments, or overly obvious hints that this is the moment we should be laughing. Loved it. LOVED IT. My obsession with Woody is still going strong.
Speaking of uni assignments, I still need to finish that particular one. I'd better knuckle down soon.
But before then, a picture, just because;

Mad glasses.
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