Just had to share that thought. This is a bit of a random post, I must admit. One of those days where you feel like you have a lot to talk about but when it comes down to actually doing the talking, you're a bit lost for words.
I've been listening to some pretty awesome music lately, if I may say so myself.
The Holidays - kicked ass at Groovin the Moo, and should be listened to on repeat by everyone with ears. Moonlight Hours makes me smile like a crazy when I listen to it by myself on the train, warranting some pretty weird looks from the general public - and not in a 'I'll have what she's having' sort of way (God bless you, Meg Ryan).
Darwin Deez, as well, obviously, is a keeper in terms of musical brilliance/looking like an ostrich. The Bomb Song and DNA are personal favourites.
Umumum, who else. Oh gosh, how could I forget Adele. Kill me with fire and poke my eyes out with breadsticks. This woman can sing. Admittedly, I do strongly believe 19 is a significantly better album than 21, but there are a couple of songs on 21 that are unbelievable. Set Fire to the Rain, One and Only, Rolling in the Deep
and Someone Like You immediately spring to mind.
Honestly if you listen to Adele and don't have some sort of emotional/life changing epiphany, you're probably either of the unfortunately hearing impaired (I don't mean to be rude, but it's kind of true), or you're just a douchebag.

You can't dispute how ostrich-esque this guy is.
On an irrelevant note, I'm off to watch Easy A yet again. Favourite-movie-watching-time holla.
PS Guys I'm in serious need of some wholesome comic book recommendations. Hit me up with that good shit, ya hear?
Yeah, I promise to never talk like that again if you give me some good comics to read.
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