I like wasting my time with comics, movies, books, messy nights, festivals, looking at the night sky, period/costume dramas, fangirling hard, wanting to be Zooey Deschanel, sleeping in on cloudy days and being a hopeless romantic but denying I ever admitted to it.
I hope you enjoy perusing my poorly written ramblings below.
While quite terribly sick over the past few days, I've been indulging in one of my most favourite guilty pleasures - period/costume dramas - specifically Downton Abbey (2010) (fabulous, marvellous, amazing and shocking) and Wives and Daughters (1999) (charming, sweet and romantic). What I have noticed quite a bit is the lack of makeup the women seem to be wearing, or not wearing as it were. So being a cosmetics fanatic, I googled makeup in the 19th century and stumbled across such interesting tidbits about what women and men used to do in terms of prettying themselves up.
"The Great Cover Up
In the 17th century, men and women used makeup to limited degree; ceruse was used as a base, and a cheek and lip reddeners were sometimes applied. From the late 1600s forward, makeup began to get heavier. First, white paint was applied, then white powder, then a brownish rouge, and red lip color.
“Beauty patches”—pieces of velvet or silk cut into the shape of stars, moons, hearts, and similar figures—were frequently applied to the face and body to cover smallpox scars, and similar marks. A “secret language” even developed through their use: A patch near the mouth meant you were flirtatious; one next to the right cheek signaled you were married; one on the left cheek announced you were engaged; one at the corner of the eye meant you were somebody’s mistress."
A secret code! I thought this was so unbelievably cool, and even though I think it might have looked rather strange I wish something like this occurred today.
More fun facts I discovered were:
At some point, people used mouse fur to shape and fill in their eyebrows (YUCK)
To make their eyes bright, women would wash them with arsenic or belladonna - which are both poisonous
Some women ate chalk or drank iodine to achieve the coveted pale complexion
Historians speculate that TB was so common in the 18th-19th century that the trend of a pale complexion arose from people wanting to look as if suffering from the disease!
People would even paint themselves with white lead or bleed themselves
Women only started shaving their underarm hair in 1915 when a model without any appeared on the cover of Harpers Bazaar
Jessica Brown-Findlay as Sybil Crawley in Downton Abbey. She is so very pretty.
Dirty Dancing + crying = me. Singing to myself randomly = me. Being really awkward about boys = me. Doing weird dances and making weird sounds just because = me.
The New Girl
But seriously. This, I will watch.
Unlike a plethora (big word) of other shows coming this mid season that I just SHAN'T.
I Hate My Teenage Daughter - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQyB5ii4o3Y
I would rather poke out my eyeballs and inject cocaine into my fingernails while being chased by Jason Voorheies.
Napoleon Dynamite (2011) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scWAETwLojk&feature=relmfu
Yeah. Remember when the movie came out and then all the excitement/hype about it died? It's dead, people. It's also animated. What? That's all I can say.
Shows I will be enjoying (hopefully) however, include:
Pan Am - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oVdLIvcNRE
A period drama set in the 60s about the sexy pilots and stewardessess (is that the word? Probably not..) from the ultra glamourous Pan Am airlines. Christina Ricci stars.
Once Upon A Time - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCDDwx1Njn0
From the writers of Lost. A fairytale/imaginative/adventure/wicked queen/princess/prince type of thing. With any luck it won't trail off into obscurity like Lost did.
A father moves his teenage daughter who he thinks is growing up too fast to the suburbs where the people are blonder, plasticer, lamer etc etc etc need I go on?
Terra Nova - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6aNEIZwPFc
Being a sucker for anything remotely Sci fi this one appealed to me in theory, but the trailer looks a bit meh. The earth is dying, and there is time travel, and people are sent back to rebuild humanity, but there's something bad out there in the jungle that kills everyone. But like, dinosaurs. I fucking love dinosaurs.
I hope that is at least sort of useful for someone. Anyone at all. Personally, I know I get intensely lost/sad/confused in midseason when all my shows are on hiatus. So like the saddo I am I did some serious research to try and put off the inevitable tv slump.
Did you know it is basically impossible to find boyleg/boyshort undies?
They are my favourite type of undies, but I am seriously in dire need of some new ones - but hardly anyone makes them anymore.
Anyway, that's not really the point of this post, but it's just annoying me a lot.
Recently I've been indulging in a favourite hobby of mine - making carts of clothes I really want on the internet and then never buying them.
There are a few things I am coveting so desperately right now that I figure I had no choice but to share them.
Hosiery. A word I absolutely hate. What on earth do tights and socks have to do with hoses. Nothing. Stupid, stupid word.
Falke Pure Matt 50 TightsA$18.84I just love the colour. They also come in a cream and a khaki, but I have so much khaki clothing, and I feel like cream tights make my legs look chunky.
Gipsy Glitter Footless Tights
So these aren't exactly what I want - as they're footless, and I kind of hate footless tights that aren't real leggings. It's a weird phobia I have. But if these were full leg I would be crying with need right now. I already have glitter backseam tights, and I feel like it's time to progress to full glitter. So pretty.
ASOS Heart Suspender Sheer Tights
One more, the last I promise. I think these pretty much speak for themselves. Heart detailing? Yes please. Faux suspender look? Yes please. Done and done and done.
Would probably be the closest thing to a perfect moment.
Just had to share that thought. This is a bit of a random post, I must admit. One of those days where you feel like you have a lot to talk about but when it comes down to actually doing the talking, you're a bit lost for words.
I've been listening to some pretty awesome music lately, if I may say so myself.
The Holidays - kicked ass at Groovin the Moo, and should be listened to on repeat by everyone with ears. Moonlight Hours makes me smile like a crazy when I listen to it by myself on the train, warranting some pretty weird looks from the general public - and not in a 'I'll have what she's having' sort of way (God bless you, Meg Ryan).
Darwin Deez, as well, obviously, is a keeper in terms of musical brilliance/looking like an ostrich. The Bomb Song and DNA are personal favourites.
Umumum, who else. Oh gosh, how could I forget Adele. Kill me with fire and poke my eyes out with breadsticks. This woman can sing. Admittedly, I do strongly believe 19 is a significantly better album than 21, but there are a couple of songs on 21 that are unbelievable. Set Fire to the Rain, One and Only, Rolling in the Deep
and Someone Like You immediately spring to mind.
Honestly if you listen to Adele and don't have some sort of emotional/life changing epiphany, you're probably either of the unfortunately hearing impaired (I don't mean to be rude, but it's kind of true), or you're just a douchebag.
You can't dispute how ostrich-esque this guy is.
On an irrelevant note, I'm off to watch Easy A yet again. Favourite-movie-watching-time holla.
PS Guys I'm in serious need of some wholesome comic book recommendations. Hit me up with that good shit, ya hear?
Yeah, I promise to never talk like that again if you give me some good comics to read.